
Grammar Rewrites


The Grammar Rewrites are a series of Japanese folk tales, retold in (simple) English with a focus on different grammar aspects. This means that for each grouping of sentences, I chose a specific structure(e.g. to be good at something), which I did my best to use for every sentence to tell the story.
Sometimes this leads to slightly weird sentences, but the purpose of the exercise is to practice the grammar forms in a context that will aid in understanding the sentence and possibly broaden the students’ vocabulary.

[ 説明 ]
”The Grammar Rewrites”は、ワーキングホリデーで日本にやってきたドイツ人のレーカーさんが「まんが日本昔ばなし」を題材にして作った英文法の学習方法です。


Hi, I’m Reekha. I’m from Germany and have studied various languages in university. Among them are Japanese and Hindi, as well as Korean and Indonesian.
In my free time I enjoy reading and writing, as well as finding opportunities to practice my language skills.
Recently I have decided to become a full time teacher and I’ve based this decision on a language tutorial I taught in university as well as my experience teaching at Lingua House so far. Teaching is a creative process and the individuality of each student makes it especially fun. There’s no one way to learn a language and finding different ways to match the student is a challenging task but part of the fun.
I hope you can enjoy learning here and that your new language skills open many doors for you. Good luck!

これを読んでくださっている皆さんが、ここでの学習を楽しみ、身につけた言語能力によって、たくさん新たな扉を開くことを願っています。Good luck!

Hi, I’m Reekha. I’m from Germany and have studied various languages in university. Among them are Japanese and Hindi, as well as Korean and Indonesian.
In my free time I enjoy reading and writing, as well as finding opportunities to practice my language skills.
Recently I have decided to become a full time teacher and I’ve based this decision on a language tutorial I taught in university as well as my experience teaching at Lingua House so far. Teaching is a creative process and the individuality of each student makes it especially fun. There’s no one way to learn a language and finding different ways to match the student is a challenging task but part of the fun.
I hope you can enjoy learning here and that your new language skills open many doors for you. Good luck!

これを読んでくださっている皆さんが、ここでの学習を楽しみ、身につけた言語能力によって、たくさん新たな扉を開くことを願っています。Good luck!

Story 03



  • sounds / looks like
  • there is
  • negation

sounds / looks like

  1. It looks like a dog is in the rain.
  2. It looks like an old couple is adopting the dog.
  3. It looks like the dog is happy.
  4. It sounds like the dog is barking on the field.
  5. It looked like the old man dug a hole.
  6. It looked like there was gold in the hole.
  7. It sounded like the neighbors wanted the dog.
  8. It looked like the other couple killed dog.
  9. Wordbank:
    old couple – 老夫婦
    (to) adopt – 養う
    (to) dig – 掘る

there is

  1. The neighbor borrowed the dog.
  2. There was no gold. There was only rubbish.
  3. There was an incident.
  4. There was a dead dog.
  5. There was a tree on the dog’s grave.
  6. There was gold in the mortar.
  7. The neighbor borrowed the mortar. There wasn’t any gold.
  8. There was a fire and ash.
  9. Wordbank:
    (to) borrow – 借りる
    incident – 事故
    grave – 墓


※In this exercise, all sentences are negated, even if what happened in the story is different.(ここでは、実際の物語の内容と違ってきますが、否定文にしていきます)

  1. The dog and the mortar didn’t exist anymore.
  2. The old man didn’t collect the ashes.
  3. The ashes didn’t blow away in the wind.
  4. Didn’t the dead trees bloom?
    Yes, the flowers did bloom. /
    Yes, the flowers bloomed.
  5. The daimyo wasn’t very impressed with the blooming flowers.
  6. The neighbor didn’t lie and say the ashes were his.
  7. The ashes didn’t fly into the neighbor’s eyes.
  8. The old man and woman couldn’t leave a happy and rich life.
  9. Wordbank:
    mortar – 臼(うす)
    ashes – 灰
    bloom – 咲く

Story link
